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Project |01


School Production Spring Play 

Treasure Island Spring Play 

Ms. Musso is involved in the Northmount Independent School Spring Play.  She has dedicated her time in helping the student remember their characters lines, musicians play in their pit band, art scenery stage pieces while incorporating Kindergartens through grade 8.  The entire school was involved in a role with the play. The play was a huge success with great music and acting performance. 

“It was the Play of the century!!” said the Parent Council. 

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Christmas Concert 2013 

Northmount Independent Boys School Christmas Concert 

Melissa Musso and Northmount Boy’s taught, learned, and played musical instruments during our School Production.  The boys played their musical instruments and sang songs that related to a spiritual set and fun carols. 

“Never seen a concert in the past 15 years at Northmount with all the boys participating with instrumental and vocal” Parent council group. 


Northmount Independent School 

Northmount Independent Boy’s School 


Melissa Musso was Northmounts Music Teacher.  She also assisted Language Arts, Gym, Religion an all other areas that Melissa could help with.  Melissa is a very passionate, energetic, inspirational teacher.  With her hard work and dedication to her students, they have achieved high excellence when participating in Regional Competitions with Vocal, Dance and sports.

Project |03


Just a sample of my work. To see more or discuss possible work >>

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